Red wine and carpets have had a long-standing feud that everyone has at some point in time witnessed. To add to this, there seems to be a positive correlation between the amount of red wine consumed and the likelihood of it ending up all over your carpet. Here at Renyo, we’ve had ample experience with this tricky stain and thought it’s about time we shared our in-home tips and tricks to combat this pesky problem. The methods below can be used on carpets, rugs, furniture and even clothes for that matter so feel free to apply it as required.
The first thing to remember when dealing with a red wine spill is that because it is an organic liquid, the faster you act to combat the stain the more chance you have of successfully removing it. As soon as you notice the spill – act fast!
The first step in the stain removal process is to try and extract as much of the red wine from the surface as possible by blotting the area with a clean rag/paper towel. What you’re trying to do here is extract as much of the stain as possible so it’s important to blot and avoid any form of rubbing which could push the red wine further into the carpet. You’ll gradually notice the colour intensity of the stain reducing as you blot so continue to do so until there doesn’t seem to be any further changes in the colour. Depending on the size of the stain, this should take around 5-10 minutes. Take your time on this step – the more thoroughly you extract the stain the more effective the stain removal process that follows will be.
Once the blotting is done, combine one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent with two tablespoons of white vinegar and one cup of warm water. Using a clean sponge, gently work the mixture into the stain and agitate it. Continue to soak the sponge in the detergent mixture and agitate the stain until it’s not visible anymore. Depending on how long the stain had dwelled in the material, this part of the stain removal method could take anywhere from a few minutes to 15 minutes. The key is to really allow the detergent and white vinegar to penetrate and breakdown the stain deep in the fibers of the material.
After the scrubbing has been completed and the stain is gone, get a clean rag and rinse the area by dipping the rag in some clean, cold water and wiping the area down. This will remove any excess detergent and vinegar that may be deep in the fibers of the carpet. You can finally hit the material with a blow dryer to dry off any excess liquid.
If you couldn’t attack the wine stain straight away and have found the above method hasn’t fully removed the stain – feel free to call us on 1300 1 RENYO to get some more free tips and tricks. For the most persistent stains or the time poor person, our expert technicians can take care of any stain for you using our expansive array of specialized chemicals and machinery.